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Titolo Hits
The Insect Apocalypse 227
World's Forgotten Fishes 288
Environmentalists aren't racist for warning about population explosion 318
Impacts of Population Growth on Wildlife 350
Global wildlife has declined by nearly two-thirds since 1970, says report 388
"Limits to Growth" was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse 406
Co-extinctions annihilate planetary life during extreme environmental change 484
Final Solution: Voices from Anthropocene 764
Overpopulation and Voluntary Family Planning:Setting a New Political Agenda for Coscioni Association 764
A Proposal for a United Nations Framework Convention on Population Growth 969
World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice 965
The Advantages of Demographic Change 1143
Wake up before it is too late - Trade and environment review 2013 2317
Religion and babes 2576
Assessment of the Turin-Lyon High-Speed Rail 2464
"Do Economists Have Frequent Sex?" by Martha Campbell and Malcolm Potts 3031
"A Fortunate Combination" by Mario Buenfil Rodriguez 2541
Overpopulation is everyone's problem 2564
"World in Serious Trouble on Food Front" by Lester Brown 2562
Irony in Thomas Malthus' "Essay on Population" 2954
IAP Statement on Population and Consumption 2503
Insecticide used in GM crops leached into the water 2738
Royal Society Releases People and Planet Report 2686
Melinda Gates: Let's put birth control back on the agenda 3447
OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 - The Consequences of Inaction 2666
Global Access to Contraception Essential for a Sustainable Civilization 2554
Bob Engelman: Connecting Family Planning and the Environment 2602
Breaking a Long Silence on Population Control 3659
"Limits to Growth – Forty More Years?" by Herman Daly 3224
Bertrand Russell on natural resources, oil and nuclear energy 3292
A Look Into the Ocean’s Future 2670
Birth Control Over Baldness 3131
Population: Thinking about our future 2921
"Things fall apart" by David Korowicz 2881
Impact of Population Growth on Food Supplies and Environment 3846
Are we running out of materials? 3481
R. Engelman: we don't need Chinese authoritarian "one child" policy 3392
India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation’s Growth 2909
Jay W. Forrester: the elephants in the room we should address 4109
Global Warming and the Population Connection 3166
Early Marriage Remains Common in India 3570
Wind power: High hopes 4538
Arithmetic, Population and Energy 3245
"The Crisis: Debt and Real Wealth" by Herman Daly 4788
Teenage pregnancies around the world 3329
Population: the elephant in the room 3266
Population Decline is Part of the Solution 3451
Rising acidity in the ocean: the other CO2 problem 4577
India: people encouraged to eat rats by Bihar authorities 4025
Help women to curb reproduction 7683
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sovrappopolazione, demografia, fame nel mondo, carestie, epidemie, inquinamento, riscaldamento globale, erosione del suolo, immigrazione, globalizzazione, esaurimento delle risorse, popolazione, crisi idrica, guerra, guerre, consumo, consumismo